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6 Top Wedding Hair Tips for Brides

Even after getting over the initial excitement of your beau’s proposals, further excitement awaits as you prepare for the wedding.

There’s much to fuss over, gown styles to choose from, and the right makeup, and wedding cake styles…

Even more significantly, you have to choose the right hairdo to go with your outfit. How many days prior should you have it washed? Are there specific hair care tips to follow?

We answer these questions and more in this article. Read on!

Do a hair trial

Create time to run a hair trial in the few weeks leading up to your big day. This serves as a hair rehearsal for the actual wedding and helps you to see what works and what doesn’t.

It’s also an excellent opportunity to try on the accessories such as makeup, veils, and jewelry before making a final choice. Remember to come with pictures of your preferred hairstyles to select the best fit.

A hair trial run weeks before the wedding is ideal, as it saves you the stress of making such a delicate decision on the d-day.

Ensure your hairstyle compliments your wedding dress

This tip can never be overemphasized. Your dress and hairdo must blend perfectly, rather than having one outdo the other.

For instance, half-up or down hairstyles go well with strapless dresses. If you’re wearing a tiara, avoid lengthy sleeves and detailed bodices. Instead, a simple, classic updo will suffice.

If your wedding dress is country or beachside-style, you can leave your hair loose and curly with flowing waves. A few flowers pinned in gives it a lovely extra touch.

For spaghetti strap dresses, wavy, pull-down hair is excellent, as long as you remember to pull back your hair bangs.

Avoid getting too many opinions

In the events and preparations leading up to the big day, you’re likely to discuss your plans with everyone around you, including your partner, bridesmaids, friends, and family.

However, you should avoid the temptation to solicit everyone's opinions on your wedding hairstyle. Rather than ask everyone, you can ask someone with a similar style to yours to avoid getting confused by multiple conflicting opinions.

Have an emergency wedding hair kit

If you have prepared adequately, the chances are that you’ll have little need for such a kit. However, you should still inquire of your stylist the hair products they’ve used on your hair and purchase them accordingly.

If for some reason, your stylist is unavailable at the wedding for occasional touch-ups, the hair care products will come through for you. You can also pack additional hair ties, dry shampoo, hairspray, and bobby pins.

Be yourself

If you have lofty hair ambitions, you might want to tone down your expectations because there’s little chance you’ll be satisfied. This is usually the case when you want your hair to look exactly like some celebrity's.

Instead, understand your hair and choose what works for you.

Choose the right hair stylist

Choosing the right wedding hair stylist can seem like a tall order, given that many options exist.

However, it’s best to select a stylist with plenty of recommendations and experience with wedding hair like Just Cuz. What are you waiting for? Reach out to us today and let’s make you look stunningly gorgeous on your big day.


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